Bare Metal User Guide

ID 683211
Date 11/30/2015
Document Table of Contents Loading and Running the Default Preloader

There are a few options for running the Preloader.
  • It can be ran through a DS-5 command script.
  • It can be imported into a DS-5 project and launched similarly to any other Bare Metal application.
  • It can be launched by the DS-5 Run Control (Debug Control) independent from the DS-5 projects.

This section demonstrates how the preloader is launched independently from the DS-5 project for Cyclone V SoC Development Kit. To optionally import the Preloader into a DS-5 project, refer to the “Importing Preloader into a DS-5 Project” section.

This process uses the Run Configuration (Debug Configuration) of DS-5 to download and execute the Preloader.

  1. To begin, create a new Debug Configuration. Run > Debug Configurations.
  2. Select DS-5 Debugger and click on New icon, which is located just above the "type filter text" field.
    This creates a new Debug Configuration named “New_configuration”. Change the name in the Name field to something like “RunPreloaderDefault”.
  3. On the Connection tab, select Altera > Cyclone V SoC (Single Core) > Bare Metal Debug > Debug Cortex-A9 and then select "USB-Blaster" from the Target Connection pull-down menu.
    Figure 24. RunPreloaderDefault Target Connection Setting
  4. To select the physical debug connection, after the Connections field, click on Browse to select the specific Debug Hardware connection.
    Note: If there is only one debugger connected, then only one will show up in the list (as shown).
    Figure 25. Connection Browser
    Figure 26. RunPreloaderDefault Connection Settings
  5. Select the Files tab and use “File System…” to browse to the Preloader image (“u-boot-spl”).
    The Preloader image can typically be found in the following location: <SoC EDS installation folder>\embedded\examples\hardware\cv_soc_devkit_ghrd\software\preloader\uboot-socfpga\spl\u-boot-spl.
    Note: Uncheck the “Load symbols” option.
    Figure 27. RunPreloaderDefault Files Settings
  6. On the Debugger tab, select “Debug from Entry Point” under Run Control and select Execute debugger commands to enable the following commands:
    • Run
    • Pause 1s
    • Interrupt
    • Quit
    Figure 28. RunPreloaderDefault Debugger Settings
  7. Select Apply, Debug, and then "Yes" to switch to the DS-5 Debug perspective, if queried.