Bare Metal User Guide

ID 683211
Date 11/30/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.4. Bare Metal Compiler

The Bare Metal Compiler that is shipped with the Altera SoC EDS is the Mentor Graphics® Sourcery™ Code Bench Lite Edition. The compiler is a GCC-based arm-altera-eabi port. It targets the ARM processor, it assumes bare metal operation, and it uses the standard ARM embedded application binary interface (EABI) conventions. The bare metal compiler is installed as part of the Altera SoC EDS installation.

There are 2 types of bare metal compilers provided:
  • ARM Compiler
  • GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
ARM compiler is supported by the Full ARM DS-5 edition (for all ARM processors) that requires a license, while the GCC is provided by DS-5 Altera Editions which is free.

For more information on the Bare Metal Compiler, refer to the "Bare Metal Compiler" chapter in the Altera SoC Embedded Design User Guide.