Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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Use Fortran QuickWin Application Projects

Fortran QuickWin graphics applications (.EXE) are multi-threaded and are more versatile than standard graphics (QuickWin single window ) applications because you can open multiple windows while your project is executing. This multiple window capability is also referred to as multiple-document interface or MDI. Multiple windows can be used in a variety of ways. For example, you might want to generate several graphic plots and be able to switch between them while also having a window for controlling the execution of your program. These windows can be full screen or reduced in size and can be placed in various parts of the screen.

QuickWin library routines let you build applications with a simplified version of the Windows* interface using Intel® Fortran. The QuickWin library provides a rich set of Windows* features, but it does not include the complete Windows* Applications Programming Interface (API). If you need additional capabilities, you must set up a Windows* application to call the Windows* API directly rather than using QuickWin to build your program.

Applications that use a multiple-document interface (MDI) have a menu bar at the top of the window and a status bar at the bottom. The QuickWin library provides a default set of menus and menu items that you can customize with the QuickWin APIs. An application that uses MDI creates many "child" windows within an outer application window. The user area in an MDI application is a child window that appears in the space between the menu bar and status bar of the application window. Your application can have more than one child window open at a time.

Fortran QuickWin applications can use the IFLOGM module to access functions to control dialog boxes. These functions allow you to display, initialize, and communicate with special dialog boxes in your application. They are a subset of Windows* API functions, which Windows* applications can call directly.

QuickWin applications are only supported with ifort.

To create a QuickWin application in Visual Studio*:

  1. Select the QuickWin Application project type.

  2. Select the QuickWin Application template in the right pane.

When you select the Fortran QuickWin project type, the IDE includes the QuickWin library automatically, which lets you use the graphics functions.

When building from the command line, you must specify the libs compiler option with keyword qwin to indicate a QuickWin application.

A QuickWin application covers the entire screen if the resolution selected matches the screen size; otherwise, the window will contain scroll bars.

You cannot make a Fortran QuickWin application a DLL.