Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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Options: Code Coverage dialog box

To access the Code Coverage page, click Tools > Options and then select Intel Compilers and Libraries > Code Coverage.

Use this page to specify settings for code coverage. These settings are used when you run an analysis.

Codecov Options

Use the available options to:

  • Select colors to be used to show covered and uncovered code.

  • Enable or disable the progress meter.

  • Set the email address and name of the web page owner.


Show Code Coverage Dialog: Specify whether to display the Code Coverage dialog box when you begin code coverage.

Profmerge Options

Suppress Startup Banner: Specify whether version information is displayed.

Verbose: Specify whether additional informational and warning messages should be displayed.