Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C0FA4080-4548-4045-9E6D-EFE57A0DE1A3
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C0FA4080-4548-4045-9E6D-EFE57A0DE1A3
Standard Fortran and C Interoperability
The Intel® Fortran Compiler supports the Fortran standardized mechanism, allowing Fortran code to communicate (or interoperate) with C code.
This mechanism includes a group of features for C interoperability, enabling mixed-language programming in a more portable manner.
The Fortran standard discusses interoperability in terms of a companion C processor. Each Fortran implementation is free to choose which C is its companion. Although the standard explicitly specifies a companion C (not C++) processor, you can use C++, as long as you use features compatible with C when interoperating with Fortran.
For Intel® Fortran, the supported C companion is the Intel® C++ Compiler or the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler on Windows, and the Intel® C++ Compiler or GCC on Linux.
The core principle of interoperability is that something should work the same way in Fortran as it does in C. In terms of interoperability, the following applies:
Fortran references procedures defined by the C programming language or procedures described by C prototypes, even if they are not defined by C.
A procedure defined by a Fortran subroutine can be referenced by a function defined by C.
You can define global variables associated with C variables whose names have external linkage.
You can declare Fortran variables, data structures, and enumerations that correspond to similar declarations in C.
The following sections describe interoperability requirements for types, variables, procedures, and global data.
Example of Fortran Calling C
The following example calls a C function.
C function prototype example:
int C_Library_Function(void* sendbuf, int sendcount, int *recvcounts);
Fortran module example:
module ftn_C_2
integer (C_INT) function C_Library_Function &
(sendbuf, sendcount, recvcounts) &
BIND(C, name='C_Library_Function')
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
implicit none
type (C_PTR), value :: sendbuf
integer (C_INT), value :: sendcount
type (C_PTR), value :: recvcounts
end function C_Library_Function
end interface
end module ftn_C_2
Fortran calling sequence example:
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING, only: C_INT, C_FLOAT, C_LOC
use ftn_C_2
implicit none
real (C_FLOAT), target :: send(100)
integer (C_INT) :: sendcount, ret
integer (C_INT), ALLOCATABLE, target :: recvcounts(:)
ALLOCATE( recvcounts(100) )
ret = C_Library_Function(C_LOC(send), sendcount, &
Example of C Calling Fortran
The following example calls a Fortran subroutine called Simulation. This subroutine corresponds to the C void function simulation.
Fortran code example:
subroutine Simulation(alpha, beta, gamma, delta, arrays) BIND(C)
use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING
implicit none
integer (C_LONG), value :: alpha
real (C_DOUBLE), intent(inout) :: beta
integer (C_LONG), intent(out) :: gamma
real (C_DOUBLE),dimension(*),intent(in) :: delta
type, BIND(C) :: pass
integer (C_INT) :: lenc, lenf
type (C_PTR) :: c, f
end type pass
type (pass), intent(inout) :: arrays
real (C_FLOAT), ALLOCATABLE, target, save :: eta(:)
real (C_FLOAT), pointer :: c_array(:)
! Associate c_array with an array allocated in C
call C_F_POINTER (arrays%c, c_array, (/arrays%lenc/) )
! Allocate an array and make it available in C
arrays%lenf = 100
ALLOCATE (eta(arrays%lenf))
arrays%f = c_loc(eta)
end subroutine Simulation
C struct declaration example:
struct pass {int lenc, lenf; float *c, *f;};
C function prototype example:
void simulation(long alpha, double *beta, long *gamma, double delta[], struct pass *arrays);
C calling sequence example:
simulation(alpha, &beta, &gamma, delta, &arrays);