Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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Include the Intel® Fortran Interface Definitions for Windows API Routines

Intel® Fortran provides interface definitions for both the Intel Fortran library routines and most of the Windows API routines in the standard include directory. Documentation on the Windows API can be found at Microsoft Learn.

To include the Windows API interface definitions, do one of the following:

  1. Add the statement USE IFWIN to include all Windows API routine definitions.

    The USE IFWIN statement makes all parameters and interfaces for most Windows routines available to your Intel Fortran program. Any program or subprogram that uses the Windows features can include the statement USE IFWIN, which is needed in each subprogram that makes Windows API calls.

    Add the USE statement before any declaration statements (such as IMPLICIT NONE or INTEGER).

  2. You can limit the type of parameters and interfaces for Windows applications to make compilation times faster. To do this, include only the subsets of the Windows API needed in multiple USE statements (see the file ...\INCLUDE\IFWIN.F90).

If you want to further minimize compile time, add the ONLY keyword to the USE statement. For example:

USE KERNEL32, only: GetSystemTime, GetLastError