Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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Document Table of Contents

Options: Advanced dialog box

To access the Advanced page, expand the Tools > Options > Text Editor > Fortran nodes and select Advanced. Here you can specify advanced options for text editing.

Browsing/Navigation Section

Collect Call/Callers graph information: Choose this option to enable or disable information collection for the Call/Callers graph. Once enabled, you can right-click on a member name in the Code Editor, then click Call Browser to view the member's call hierarchy.

Collect Object Browser information: Choose this option to enable the display of procedures in your project in a hierarchical tree. Once enabled, you can use View > Object Browser to display your procedures.

Disable Database: Choose this option to disable creation of the code browsing database. This may help increase performance on slow machines. When you disable the database, all features that rely on code browsing information do not work.

Enable Database Saving/Loading: Choose this option to save collected data to a file on disk so that all source browsing features are available immediately when you open the project. When this option is disabled, the code browsing database is generated via background source parsing, so many features that rely on code browsing information do not work until this process completes. Saving and loading the database requires some additional time when saving and loading the project.

Enable Find All References: Choose this option to enable display of the location(s) in your code where a symbol is referenced. When this option is enabled, you can use the right-click context menu Find All References option to display a list of references to the selected symbol. Double-click on a reference to find that reference.

Enable Go To Definition: Choose this option to enable quick navigation to an object definition. When this option is enabled, you can use the right-click context menu Go to Definition option to locate where the selected object was declared, opening the associated source file if required. (If you have also enabled Scan system includes, any objects declared in system modules such as IFWINTY cause the associated source for that module to be opened.)

Scan system includes: Choose this option to scan system include files. This option is used with one or more of the following options: Collect Object Browser Information, Enable Find All References, Enable Go To Definition.

Intrinsics Section

Enable Intrinsic Parameter Info: Choose this option to enable the display of intrinsic function and subroutine parameter information. When this option is enabled, you can type a name of an intrinsic procedure, followed by an open parenthesis, and information about the procedure and its arguments appears.

Enable Intrinsic Quick Info: Choose this option to enable the display of additional information when the mouse pointer is moved over an intrinsic function or subroutine name.

Miscellaneous Section

Enumerate Comment Tasks: Choose this option to enable the display of a list of tasks consisting of source files containing comments. Comments take the form of the ! character, followed by a token such as TO DO. Valid tokens are those listed in Tools > Options > Environment > Task List. When this option is enabled, you can select Comments from the task list using either:

  • View > Task List for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2017/2019


  • View > Other Windows > Task List for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
You can double-click on a comment in the list to jump to its location.

Highlight Matching Tokens: Choose this option to allow identifier highlighting and block delimiter matching. When enabled, this option highlights all references to the identifier under the cursor.

Outlining Section

Enable Outlining: Choose this option to allow the collapsing of whole program units. When this option is enabled, you can click the minus (-) or plus (+) symbols for PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, MODULE, and BLOCK DATA statements.

Outline Statement Blocks: Choose this option to allow collapsing of block constructs such as IF and DO. You must also choose Enable Outlining.