Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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Elemental Intrinsic Function (Generic): Returns the modulo of the arguments.

result = MODULO (a,p)


(Input) Must be of type integer or real.


(Input) Must have the same type and kind parameters as a. It must not have a value of zero.


The result type is the same a. The result value depends on the type of a, as follows:

  • If a is of type integer and p is not equal to zero, the value of the result is a - FLOOR(REAL( a) / REAL( p)) * p, that is, the result has a value such that a = q * p + result where q is an integer. The following also applies:

    • If p > 0, then 0 <= result < p

    • If p < 0, then p < result <= 0

  • If a is of type real and p is not equal to zero, the value of the result is a - FLOOR( a/ p) * p.

If p is equal to zero (regardless of the type of a), the result is undefined.


MODULO (7, 3) has the value 1.

MODULO (9, -6) has the value -3.

MODULO (-9, 6) has the value 3.

The following shows more examples:

 I= MODULO(8, 5)         ! returns 3          Note: q=1
 I= MODULO(-8, 5)        ! returns 2          Note: q=-2
 I= MODULO(8, -5)        ! returns -2         Note: q=-2
 I= MODULO(-8,-5)        ! returns -3         Note: q=1
 R= MODULO(7.285, 2.35)  ! returns 0.2350001  Note: q=3
 R= MODULO(7.285, -2.35) ! returns -2.115     Note: q=-4

See Also