Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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Default Console Event Handling

When the Intel® Fortran runtime system is initialized, it establishes a default console event handler through the SetConsoleCtrlHandler Windows API routine. The default handler will respond to the following event types:




These event types will result in an orderly program abort with an appropriate diagnostic message. To disable this default call to SetConsoleCtrlHandler, set an environment variable named FOR_DISABLE_CONSOLE_CTRL_HANDLER to the value YES (Y or y), or TRUE (T or t), or a number greater than zero.

Other console events such as a CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT or CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT are not handled by the default handler. The handler is notified of these events but returns FALSE to the operating system. This allows an Intel® Fortran application activated as a Windows* service to continue execution when a user logs off.