Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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Elemental Intrinsic Function (Generic): Returns the parity of the integer argument.

result = POPPAR (i)


(Input) Must be of type integer or logical.


The result type and kind are the same as i. The result value is 1 if there are an odd number of 1 bits in the binary representation of the integer I. The result value is zero if there are an even number.

POPPAR( i) is the same as 1 .AND. POPCNT( i).

The model for the interpretation of an integer value as a sequence of bits is shown in Model for Bit Data.


If the value of I is B'0...00011010110', the value of POPPAR(I) is 1.