Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic and Intel® Fortran Compiler Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767251
Date 3/22/2024

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qopt-report-annotate, Qopt-report-annotate

Enables the annotated source listing feature and specifies its format. This feature is only available for ifort.








Specifies the format for the annotated source listing. You can specify one of the following:


Indicates that the listing should be in text format. This is the default if you do not specify keyword.


Indicates that the listing should be in html format.



No annotated source listing is generated


This option enables the annotated source listing feature and specifies its format. The feature annotates source files with compiler optimization reports.

By default, one annotated source file is output per object. The annotated file is written to the same directory where the object files are generated. If the object file is a temporary file and an executable is generated, annotated files are placed in the directory where the executable is placed. You cannot generate annotated files to a directory of your choosing.

However, you can output annotated listings to stdout, stderr, or to a file if you also specify option [q or Q]opt-report-file.

By default, this option sets option [q or Q]opt-report with default level 2.

The following shows the file extension and listing details for the two possible keywords.


Listing Details


The annotated source listing has an .annot extension. It includes line numbers and compiler diagnostics placed after correspondent lines. IPO footnotes are inserted at the end of annotated file.


The annotated source listing has an .annot.html extension. It includes line numbers and compiler diagnostics placed after correspondent lines (as the text format does). It also provides hyperlinks in compiler messages and quick navigation with the routine list. IPO footnotes are displayed as tooltips.

IDE Equivalent


Alternate Options
