Cyclone® V to Agilex™ 5 Device Migration Guide

ID 787947
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.3.4. Avalon® -ST Configuration

This topic describes key differences between Fast Passive Parallel (FPP) configuration in Cyclone® V devices and Avalon® -ST configuration in Agilex™ 5 devices.

Table 5.  Pin Difference between FPP Configuration and Avalon® -ST Configuration
Configuration Pin Name – Cyclone® V Configuration Pin Name – to Agilex™ 5 Notes for Agilex™ 5 Device

Avalon® -ST x8 mode has a dedicated clock input on SDM_IO14 (AVSTx8_CLK). For Avalon® -ST x16 mode, use AVST_CLK located in the general-purpose I/O (GPIO) bank.

AVST_CLK and AVSTx8_CLK must be continuous and cannot pause during configuration.

DATA[7:0](FPP8) SDM_IO pins (AVSTx8_DATAn) Avalon® -ST x8 uses Secure Device Manager (SDM) pins for data pins.
DATA[31:0] (FPP32/FPP16) AVST_DATA[15:0] Avalon® -ST x16 uses pins in GPIO bank.
N/A SDM_IO11(AVSTx8_VALID)/AVST_VALID The host must assert AVST_VALID signal when sending a valid AVST_DATA signal and may assert AVST_VALID signal at any time after the assertion of the AVST_READY signal.
N/A SDM_IO8(AVSTx8_READY)/AVST_READY The device asserts the AVST_READY signal when ready to accept data. The host must handle backpressure by monitoring the AVST_READY signal.

The following are other key differences to consider:

  • Use Parallel Flash Loader II (PFL II) Intel® FPGA IP with an external host device in an Agilex™ 5 device.
    Note: Parallel Flash Load (PFL 1) Intel® FPGA IP cannot support Avalon® -ST configuration scheme.
  • The AVST_CLK signal must run continuously during configuration. The AVST_READY signal does not assert unless the clock is running.
  • Host must synchronize the AVST_READY signal (input) to the AVST_CLK signal (output) using a two-stage register synchronizer.
  • Host must drive no more than six data words after the deassertion of the AVST_READY signal, including the two-stage register synchronizer delay incurred.
  • Intel® plans to support the simulation model for the Avalon® -ST controller. The simulation model is essential for simulating Avalon® -ST configuration with their host controller RTL logic during the product development stage.

For additional information, refer to the " Avalon® -ST Configuration" chapter in the Device Configuration User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs.