Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide

ID 683865
Date 3/27/2023
Document Table of Contents Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Signals

Table 9.  Remote System Upgrade Circuitry Signals for Intel® MAX® 10 Devices
Core Signal Name Logical Signal Name Input/Output Description
RU_DIN regin Input Use this signal to write data to the shift register on the rising edge of RU_CLK. To load data to the shift register, assert RU_SHIFTnLD.
RU_DOUT regout Output Use this signal to get output data from the shift register. Data is clocked out on each rising edge of RU_CLK if RU_SHIFTnLD is asserted.
RU_nRSTIMER rsttimer Input
  • Use this signal to reset the user watchdog timer. A falling edge of this signal triggers a reset of the user watchdog timer.
  • To reset the timer, pulse the RU_nRSTIMER signal for a minimum of 250 ns.
RU_nCONFIG rconfig Input Use this signal to reconfigure the device. Driving this signal low triggers the device to reconfigure if you enable the remote system upgrade feature.
RU_CLK clk Input The clock to the remote system upgrade circuitry. All registers in this clock domain are enabled in user mode if you enable the remote system upgrade. Shift register and input register are positive edge flip-flops.
RU_SHIFTnLD shiftnld Input Control signals that determine the mode of remote system upgrade circuitry.
  • When RU_SHIFTnLD is driven low and RU_CAPTnUPDT is driven low, the input register is loaded with the contents of the shift register on the rising edge of RU_CLK.
  • When RU_SHIFTnLD is driven low and RU_CAPTnUPDT is driven high, the shift register captures values from the input_cs_ps module on the rising edge of RU_CLK.
  • When RU_SHIFTnLD is driven high, the RU_CAPTnUPDT is ignored and the shift register shifts data on each rising edge of RU_CLK.
RU_CAPTnUPDT captnupdt Input