Visible to Intel only — GUID: eis1396009631184
1. Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration Overview
2. Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration Schemes and Features
3. Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration Design Guidelines
4. Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration IP Core Implementation Guides
5. Dual Configuration Intel® FPGA IP Core References
6. Unique Chip ID Intel® FPGA IP Core References
7. Document Revision History for the Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide
3.1. Dual-Purpose Configuration Pins
3.2. Configuring Intel® MAX® 10 Devices using JTAG Configuration
3.3. Configuring Intel® MAX® 10 Devices using Internal Configuration
3.4. Implementing ISP Clamp in Intel® Quartus® Prime Software
3.5. Accessing Remote System Upgrade through User Logic
3.6. Error Detection
3.7. Enabling Data Compression
3.8. AES Encryption
3.9. Intel® MAX® 10 JTAG Secure Design Example
Visible to Intel only — GUID: eis1396009631184
5.1. Dual Configuration Intel® FPGA IP Core Avalon® Memory-Mapped Address Map
Offset | R/W | Width (Bits) | Description |
0 | W | 32 |
1 | W | 32 |
2 | W | 32 |
3 | R | 32 |
4 | R | 32 |
5 | R | 32 |
6 | R | 32 |
7 | R | 32 |
17 You can only read the 12 most significant bit of the 29 bit user watchdog value using Dual Configuration IP Core.
18 Reads the config_sel of the input register only. It will not reflect the physical CONFIG_SEL pin setting.