Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide

ID 683865
Date 3/27/2023
Document Table of Contents

3.8.1. Generating .ekp File and Encrypt Configuration File

To generate the .ekp file and encrypt your configuration file, follow these steps:

  1. On the File menu, click Convert Programming Files.
  2. Under Output programming file, select Programmer Object File (.pof) in the Programming file type list.
  3. In the Mode list, select Internal Configuration.
  4. Click Option/Boot Info and the ICB setting dialog box will appear.
  5. You can enable the Allow encrypted POF only option. Click OK once ICB setting is set.
    The device will only accept encrypted bitstream during internal configuration if this option is enabled. If you encrypt one of CFM0, CFM1 or CFM2 only, the Programmer will post a warning.
  6. Type the file name in the File name field, or browse to and select the file.
  7. Under the Input files to convert section, click SOF Data.
  8. Click Add File to open the Select Input File dialog box.
  9. Browse to the unencrypted .sof and click Open.
  10. Under the Input files to convert section, click on the added .sof.
  11. Click Properties and the SOF Files Properties: Bitstream Encryption dialog box will appear.
  12. Turn on Generate encrypted bitstream.
  13. Turn on Generate key programming file and type the .ekp file path and file name in the text area, or browse to and select <filename>.ekp.
  14. You can the key with either a .key file or entering the key manually.
    Note: Intel® MAX® 10 devices require the entry of 128-bit keys.
    • Adding key with a .key file.

      The .key file is a plain text file in which each line represents a key unless the line starts with "#". The "#" symbol is used to denote comments. Each valid key line has the following format:

      <key identity><white space><128-bit hexadecimal key>
      # This is an example key file
      key1 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
      1. Enable the Use key file checkbox.
      2. Click Open and add the desired .key file and click Open again.
      3. Under Key entry part, the key contained in the .key file will be selected in the drop-down list.
      4. Click OK.
    • Entering your key manually.
      1. Under Key entry part, click the Add button.
      2. Select the Key Entry Method to enter the encryption key either with the On-screen Keypad or Keyboard.
      3. Enter a key name in the Key Name (alphanumeric) field.
      4. Key in the desired key in the Key (128-bit hexadecimal) field and repeat in the Confirm Key field below it.
      5. Click OK.
  15. Read the design security feature disclaimer. If you agree, turn on the acknowledgment box and click OK.
  16. In the Convert Programming Files dialog box, click OK. The <filename>.ekp and encrypted configuration file will be generated in the same project directory.
    Note: For dual configuration .pof file, both .sof file need to be encrypted with the same key.The generation of key file and encrypted configuration file will not be successful if different keys are used.