Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide

ID 683696
Date 8/09/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.4. FPGA Configuration


The JTAG topology of the board is shown in the figure below. An on-board Intel® FPGA Download Cable is implemented with the MAX® 10. It is in the form of a micro-USB type-B connector (J9).

Figure 19. JTAG Topology Block Diagram

The system MAX® 10 device itself can be configured through on-board USB port or an external Intel® FPGA Download Cable II header. the 2x5 header for MAX® 10 is not mounted by default.

A secondary MAX® 10 device is used for PFL configuration mode. This CFG MAX® 10 is configured with on-board USB port.

The Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA device is configured with on-board USB port or an external Intel® FPGA Download Cable II header.

The FMC interface also has a JTAG interface. The FMC JTAG can also be included into the JTAG chain.

The Cyclone® 10 GX device JTAG and FMC JTAG can be put included or isolated from the JTAG chain by setting a DIP switch S5.

Table 11.  JTAG DIP Switch Settings
Switch Signal Function
S5.2 C10_JTAGEN ON - Disable JTAG


The Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA device can be configured using different modes. Mode selection can be done using DIP switch S1.

Table 12.  Configuration Mode Settings
Configuration Scheme VCCPGM (V) Power-On Reset Delay Valid MSEL [2:0]
JTAG-based Configuration ----- ------ Use any valid MSEL pin settings given below
AS (x1 and x4) 1.8 Fast 010
Standard 011
PS and FPP (x8, x16, x32) 1.2 / 1.5 / 1.8 Fast 000
Standard 001
Table 13.  MSEL Switch S1 Definition
Switch Signal Note
S1.1 C10_MSEL0

MSEL2 is tied to GND

ON - '0'

S1.2 C10_MSEL1
Figure 20. FPGA Configuration Scheme Block Diagram

The Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA device is configured with two modes: ASx4 or FPP x16. The AS x4 mode uses an MT25Q (for Power Solution 2)/ EPCQ-L 1024 (for Power Solution 1) to store the image. A dedicated MAX® 10 device is used to implement PFL. It interfaces with two pieces of x16 parallel NOR flash devices to get a x32 bus width. The highest density is 2 Gb. The flash interface works at 3.3 V and various NOR flashes from different vendors can be used with this board.

Micron MT28EW01GABA1LPC-0SITES is installed in manufacturing by default. 2 Gb is provided with the board.

For the Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA device, the image size is less than 85 Mb. Multiple images can be stored and selected by the user. The image to be used can be selected with a group of Push Buttons and LEDs.

The user can select between the images to be loaded into Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA.
  • Cycling images by pushing button S7
  • CFG MAX® 10 device displays current number to be used with LEDs D16-D18
  • Initiate the reconfiguration by pushing button S12
The signal definition of these buttons and LEDs are shown below:
Table 14.  Program Selection Signals Definition
Switch / LED Signal Note
S7 PGM_SEL Select program
S12 SYS_CONFIG_PB Reconfigure
D16 PGM_LED0 PGM_LED [2:0] indicates the program to be used

Side Bus

A group of Side Bus signals are defined between MAX® 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA device to provide a higher speed access through on-board Intel® FPGA Download Cable. This interface is reserved in hardware.