Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide

ID 683696
Date 8/09/2024
Document Table of Contents

5. Document Revision History for the Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide

Document Version Changes
  • Updated the Overview section:
    • Added new table: Ordering Information.
    • Added new Figures: Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit (Power Solution 2)—Top View and Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit (Power Solution 1)—Top View.
  • Retitled the General Development Kit Description topic to Feature Summary.
  • Added new topic—Bock Diagram.
  • Merged content in Handling the Board into Recommended Operating Conditions.
  • Updated Installing the Quartus Prime Software:
    • Retitled the Installing the Quartus Prime Software topic to Quartus Prime Software and Driver Installation.
    • Merged content in Installing the Intel FPGA Download Cable Driver into Quartus Prime Software and Driver Installation.
  • Updated Board Overview:
    • Updated Figure: Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit Block Diagram.
    • Updated Table: Board Components Table.
  • Updated Cyclone 10 GX FPGA:
    • Updated the description for C10_CS0n, C10_AS_D[0:3], and C10_DCLK in Table: Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA I/O Resources Table.
  • Updated FPGA Configuration:
    • Updated topic description.
    • Updated Figures: JTAG Topology Block Diagram and FPGA Configuration Scheme Block Diagram.
  • Updated Power:
    • Retitled the Power Distribution Scheme figure to Power Distribution Scheme for Power Solution 1.
    • Added new Figure: Power Distribution Scheme for Power Solution 2.
    • Added new Table: Power Solution 2.
  • Updated I2C/PMBUS:
    • Retitled the I2C Bus Topology figure to I2C Bus Topology for Power Solution 1.
    • Added new figure: I2C Bus Topology for Power Solution 2.
  • Updated Board Test System:
    • Updated Preparing the Board.
    • Removed Figure: About BTS.
    • Updated the following figures:
      • BTS GUI
      • The System Info Tab
      • The GPIO Tab
      • The Flash Tab
      • The XCVR Tab
      • The FMC Tab
      • The DDR3 Tab

Updated LEDs. The D19, D20, D21, D22 board reference function updated to '1 to light, output from FPGA'.

  • In Default Switch and Jumper Settings, updated value for S3.1 in DIP Switch Settings table to OPEN/OFF/1.
  • In Switches, in DIP Switch Settings table, updated default value of S3.1 to 1. Changed values in S3 description to 01 - Internal Oscillator. Set to 01 by default.
2017.12.18 Initial release.