Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Verify Intel® VTune™ Profiler Installation

A self-check script is available to validate that appropriate drivers are installed and the system is set up properly to collect performance data. The script can be run on individual systems or on a cluster environment.

The vtune-self-checker script is available from <install-dir>/bin64Installation Information on the Windows or Linux system on which you installed VTune Profiler. The script runs several representative analysis types on a sample with reliable hotspots. After the script completes, it produces a log file and gives diagnostics on the success or failure of the checks. The analysis types that are launched cover:

  • Software sampling and tracing collection (Hotspots and Threading in the user-mode sampling)

  • Core event-based sampling collection (Hotspots in the hardware event-based sampling mode with and without stacks)

  • HPC Performance Characterization

  • Microarchitecture Exploration analysis

  • Memory Access analysis with uncore events

  • Threading with hardware event-based sampling

  • Performance Snapshot

  • GPU Compute/Media Hotspots (source analysis and characterization modes)

The result of the self-check provides these details:

  • Analyses that passed the check
  • Analyses that failed the check
  • Possible collection limitations
  • Steps to overcome collection limitations
  • Information about missing permissions or outdated drivers

Use the --log-dir option when running the script to specify a location for the log file to be stored. This option is useful when running the script on a compute node through a job scheduler.