Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C0216D8C-C831-4704-814C-E5DE1EE17FEA
Prepare Application for Analysis
Windows* Targets
Linux* Targets
Embedded Linux* Targets
FreeBSD* Targets
QNX* Targets
Managed Code Targets
Android* Targets
Intel® Xeon Phi™ Processor Targets
Targets in Virtualized Environments
Targets in a Cloud Environment
Arbitrary Targets
Embedded System Targets
Build and Install the Sampling Drivers for Linux* Targets
Debug Information for Linux* Application Binaries
Compiler Switches for Performance Analysis on Linux* Targets
Enable Linux* Kernel Analysis
Resolution of Symbol Names for Linux-Loadable Kernel Modules
Analyze Statically Linked Binaries on Linux* Targets
Set Up Remote Linux* Target
User-Mode Sampling and Tracing Collection
Hardware Event-based Sampling Collection
Performance Snapshot
Algorithm Group
Microarchitecture Analysis Group
Parallelism Analysis Group
Input and Output Analysis
Accelerators Analysis Group
Platform Analysis Group
Platform Analysis
Hybrid CPU Analysis
Source Code Analysis
Custom Analysis
Energy Analysis
Code Profiling Scenarios
Control Data Collection
Manage Data Views
Manage Result Files
Switch Viewpoints
Control Window Synchronization
View Stacks
Manage Grid Views
Manage Timeline View
Change Threshold Values
Choose Data Format
Group and Filter Data
View Data on Inline Functions
Analyze Loops
Stitch Stacks for Intel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks or OpenMP* Analysis
Search for Data
performance-snapshot Command Line Analysis
hotspots Command Line Analysis
anomaly-detection Command Line Analysis
threading Command Line Analysis
memory-consumption Command Line Analysis
hpc-performance Command Line Analysis
uarch-exploration Command Line Analysis
memory-access Command Line Analysis
tsx-exploration Command Line Analysis
tsx-hotspots Command Line Analysis
sgx-hotspots Command Line Analysis
gpu-hotspots Command Line Analysis
gpu-offload Command Line Analysis
graphics-rendering Command Line Analysis
fpga-interaction Command Line Analysis
io Command Line Analysis
system-overview Command Line Analysis
runsa/runss Custom Command Line Analysis
Configure Analysis Options from Command Line
Collect System-Wide Data from Command Line
Collect Data on Remote Linux* Systems from Command Line
Configure GPU Analysis from Command Line
Specify Search Directories from Command Line
Specify Result Directory from Command Line
Pause Collection from Command Line
Manage Analysis Duration from Command Line
Limit Data Collection from Command Line
Option Descriptions and General Rules
Best Practices: Resolve Intel® VTune™ Profiler BSODs, Crashes, and Hangs in Windows* OS
Error Message: Application Sets Its Own Handler for Signal
Error Message: Cannot Enable Event-Based Sampling Collection
Error Message: Cannot Collect GPU Hardware Metrics
Error Message: Cannot Load Data File
Error Message: Cannot Locate Debugging Information
Error Message: Cannot Open Data
Error Message: Client Is Not Authorized to Connect to Server
Error Message: Root Privileges Required for Processor Graphics Events
Error Message: No Pre-built Driver Exists for This System
Error Message: Not All OpenCL™ API Profiling Callbacks Are Received
Error Message: Problem Accessing the Sampling Driver
Error Message: Required Key Not Available
Error Message: Scope of ptrace System Call Is Limited
Error Message: Stack Size Is Too Small
Error Message: Symbol File Is Not Found
Problem: Analysis of the .NET* Application Fails
Problem: Cannot Access VTune Profiler Documentation
Problem: CPU time for Hotspots or Threading Analysis is Too Low
Problem: 'Events= Sample After Value (SAV) * Samples' Is Not True If Multiple Runs Are Disabled
Problem: Guessed Stack Frames
Problem: GUI Hangs or Crashes
Problem: Inaccurate Sum in the Grid
Problem: Information Collected via ITT API Is Not Available When Attaching to a Process
Problem: No GPU Utilization Data Is Collected
Problem: Same Functions Are Compared As Different Instances
Problem: Skipped Stack Frames
Problem: Stack in the Top-Down Tree Window Is Incorrect
Problem: Stacks in Call Stack and Bottom-Up Panes Are Different
Problem: System Functions Appear in the User Functions Only Mode
Problem: Intel® VTune™ Profiler is Slow to Respond When Collecting or Displaying Data
Problem: Intel® VTune™ Profiler is Slow on X-Servers with SSH Connection
Problem: Unexpected Paused Time
Problem: {Unknown Timer} in the Platform Power Analysis Viewpoint
Problem: Unknown Critical Error Due to Disabled Loopback Interface
Problem: Unknown Frames
Problem: Unsupported Microsoft* Windows* OS
Context Menu: Grid
Context Menus: Call Stack Pane
Context Menus: Project Navigator
Context Menus: Source/Assembly Window
Dialog Box: Binary/Symbol Search
Dialog Box: Source Search
Hot Keys
Menu: Customize Grouping
Menu: Intel VTune Profiler
Pane: Call Stack
Pane: Options - General
Pane: Options - Result Location
Pane: Options - Source/Assembly
Project Navigator
Pane: Timeline
Toolbar: Configure Analysis
Toolbar: Filter
Toolbar: Source/Assembly
Toolbar: Intel VTune Profiler
Window: Bandwidth - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Bottom-up
Window: Caller/Callee
Window: Cannot Find <file type> File
Window: Collection Log
Window: Compare Results
Window: Configure Analysis
Window: Core Wake-ups - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Correlate Metrics - Platform Power Analysis
Window: CPU C/P States - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Debug
Window: Event Count - Hardware Events
Window: Flame Graph
Window: Graphics - GPU Compute/Media Hotspots
Window: Graphics C/P States - Platform Power Analysis
Window: NC Device States - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Platform
Window: Platform Power Analysis
Window: Sample Count - Hardware Events
Window: SC Device States - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Summary
Window: System Sleep States - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Temperature/Thermal Sample - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Timer Resolution - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Top-down Tree
Window: Uncore Event Count - Hardware Events
Window: Wakelocks - Platform Power Analysis
Window: Summary - Input and Output Summary
Window: Summary - Microarchitecture Exploration
Window: Summary - GPU Analysis
Window: Summary - Hardware Events
Window: Summary - Hotspots by CPU Utilization
Window: Summary - HPC Performance Characterization
Window: Summary - Memory Consumption
Window: Summary - Memory Usage
Window: Summary - Platform Power Analysis
ALU0 Active
ALU0 Instructions
ALU1 Active
ALU1 Instructions
ALU2 Active
ALU2 Instructions
ALU0 and ALU1 Active
ALU0 and ALU2 Active
ALU0 and XMX Utilization
Average Time
Computing Threads Started
Computing Threads Started, Threads/sec
CPU Time
EU 2 FPU Pipelines Active
EU Array Active
EU Array Idle
EU Array Stalled/Idle
EU Array Stalled
EU Send pipeline active
EU Threads Occupancy
GPU EU Array Usage
GPU HW Scheduler Time
GPU Instruction Cache L3 Miss Ratio
GPU L3 Atomics
GPU L3 Bound
GPU L3 Miss Ratio
GPU L3 Misses
GPU L3 Misses, Misses/sec
GPU Load Store Cache Miss Ratio
GPU Load Store Cache L3 Miss Ratio
GPU LSC Atomics
GPU LSC Fences
GPU Media Read Requests
GPU Media Write Requests
GPU SLM Atomics
GPU SLM Fences
GPU Memory Read Bandwidth, GB/sec
GPU Memory Texture Read Bandwidth, GB/sec
GPU Memory Write Bandwidth, GB/sec
GPU Sampler L3 Miss Ratio
GPU Texel Quads Count, Count/sec
GPU Utilization
Graphics Security Controller Busy
Host to GPU Memory Read Bandwidth
Host-to-GPU Memory Write Bandwidth
Instance Count
Instruction Cache Miss Ratio
L3 Busy
L3 Input Available
L3 Instruction Cache Bandwidth
L3 Load Store Cache Read Bandwidth
L3 Load Store Cache Write Bandwidth
L3 Miss Ratio
L3 Output Ready
L3 Read Bandwidth
L3 SQ Full
L3 Stalled
L3 Write Bandwidth
L3 Sampler Bandwidth, GB/sec
L3 Shader Bandwidth, GB/sec
LLC Miss Rate due GPU Lookups
LLC Miss Ratio due GPU Lookups
LSC Input Available
LSC Output Ready
LSC Partial Writes
Maximum GPU Utilization
Multiple Pipe Utilization
PS EU Active %
PS EU Stall %
Ratio to Max Bandwidth, %
Ratio to Max Bandwidth, %
Ratio to Max Bandwidth, %
Render/GPGPU Command Streamer Loaded
Sampler Input Available
Sampler Output Ready
Samples Blended
Samples Killed in PS, pixels
Samples Written
Sampler Busy
Sampler Is Bottleneck
Shared Local Memory Read Bandwidth, GB/sec
Shared Local Memory Write Bandwidth, GB/sec
SIMD Width
SLM Bank Conflicts
Stack-to-stack Incoming Bandwidth
Stack-to-stack Outgoing Bandwidth
System Memory Read Bandwidth
System Memory Write Bandwidth
Total, GB/sec
Thread Dispatcher Active
TLB Misses
Total Time
Typed Memory Read Bandwidth, GB/sec
Typed Memory Write Bandwidth, GB/sec
Typed Reads Coalescence
Typed Writes Coalescence
Untyped Memory Read Bandwidth, GB/sec
Untyped Memory Write Bandwidth, GB/sec
Untyped Reads Coalescence
Untyped Writes Coalescence
Video Codec Busy
Video Codec Read Requests
Video Codec Write Requests
Video Codec 2 Busy
Video Codec 2 Read Requests
Video Codec 2 Write Requests
Video Enhancement Busy
Video Enhancement Read Requests
Video Enhancement Write Requests
Video Enhancement 2 Busy
Video Enhancement 2 Read Requests
Video Enhancement 2 Write Requests
VS EU Active
VS EU Stall
XVE Barrier Stall
XVE Bit Manipulation Instructions
XVE Control Stall
XVE Dist or Acc Stall
XVE INT16\INT32\INT64\FP16\FP32\FP64 Instructions
XVE FP16\BF16\INT8\INT4\INT2 XMX Instructions
XVE Instruction Fetch Stall
XVE Pipe Stall
XVE Send Stall
XVE XMX Instructions
XVE XMX Pipeline Active
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C0216D8C-C831-4704-814C-E5DE1EE17FEA
Command Line Interface Reference
Select an item from the Table of Contents to continue.
See the VTune Profiler CLI Cheat Sheet quick reference on VTune Profiler command line interface.
- Option Descriptions and General Rules
All option descriptions in the Intel® VTune™ ProfilerCommand Line Interface Reference follow the general rules and templates described below. - allow-multiple-runs
Enable multiple runs to achieve more precise results for hardware event-based collections. - analyze-kvm-guest
Analyze a KVM guest OS running on your system. - analyze-system
Enable analysis of all processes running on the system. - app-working-dir
Specify the application directory in auto-generated commands. - archive
Archive collected results. - call-stack-mode
Choose how to show system functions in the call stack. - collect
Run the specified analysis type and collect data into a result. - collect-with
Run a custom hardware event-based sampling or user-mode sampling and tracing collection using your settings. - column
Specify substrings for the column names to display only corresponding columns in the report. - command
Issue a command to a running collect action. - cpu-mask
Specify CPU(s) for a collect or collect-with action. - csv-delimiter
Specify the delimiter for a tabular report. - cumulative-threshold-percent
Set a percent of the target CPU/Wait time to display only the hottest program units that exceed this threshold. - custom-collector
Launch an external collector to gather custom interval and counter statistics for your target in parallel with the VTune Profiler. - data-limit
Limit the amount of raw data (in MB) to be collected. - discard-raw-data
Specify removal of raw collector data after finalization. - duration
Specify the duration for collection (in seconds). - filter
Specify which data to include or exclude. - finalization-mode
Perform full finalization, fast finalization, deferred finalization or skip finalization. - finalize
Perform symbol resolution to finalize or re-resolve a result. - format
Specify output format for report. - group-by
Specify grouping in a report. - help
Display brief explanations of command line arguments. - import
Import one or more collection data files/directories. - inline-mode
Exclude/include inline functions in the stack. - knob
Set configuration options for the specified analysis type or collector type. - kvm-guest-kallsyms
Specify a local path to the /proc/kallsyms file copied from the guest system. - kvm-guest-modules
Specify a local path to the /proc/modules file copied from the guest system. - limit
Set the number of top items to include in a report. - loop-mode
Show or hide loops in the stack. - mrte-mode
Specify managed profiling mode for Java*, Python*, Go*, .NET*, and Windows* Store applications. - no-follow-child
Specify whether child processes are included in collection results. - no-summary
Suppress summary report generation. - no-unplugged-mode
Enable collection from an unplugged Android* device to exclude ADB connection and power impact on the results . - quiet
Limit the amount of information displayed by vtune. - report
Generate a specified type of report from an analysis result. - report-knob
Set configuration options for the specified report type. - report-output
Write a generated report to a file. - report-width
Set the maximum width for a report - result-dir
Specify the result directory. - resume-after
Resume collection after the specified number of seconds. - return-app-exitcode
Return the exit code of the target. - ring-buffer
Limit the amount of raw data to be collected by setting the timer that enables the analysis only for the last seconds before the target or collection is terminated. - search-dir
Specify a search directory for binary and symbol files. - show-as
Specify report values as events, samples, or percentage. - sort-asc
Sort data in ascending order by the specified column name. - sort-desc
Sort data in descending order by the specified column name. - source-object
Type of source object to display in a report for source or assembly data. - source-search-dir
Specify a search directory for source files. - stack-size
Specify the size of a raw stack (in bytes) to process. - start-paused
Start data collection in the paused mode. - strategy
Specify which processes to analyze. - target-install-dir
Specify a path to the Intel® VTune™ Profiler target package installed on the remote system. - target-system
Collect data on a remote machine using SSH/ADB connection. - target-tmp-dir
Specify a path to the temporary directory on the remote system where performance results are temporarily stored. - target-duration-type
Adjust the sampling interval for longer-running targets. - target-pid
Attach a collection to a running process specified by the process ID. - target-process
Attach a collection to a running process specified by the process name. - time-filter
Filter reports by a time range. - trace-mpi
For message passing interface (MPI) analysis , configure collectors to determine MPI rank ID in case of a non-Intel MPI library implementation. - user-data-dir
Specify the base directory for result paths. - verbose
Display detailed information on actions performed by the vtune tool. - version
Display version information for the vtune tool.