Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents


Specify the result directory.

GUI Equivalent

Configure Analysis window > WHAT pane


-result-dir <PATH>

-r <PATH>





The PATH/name of a directory where a result is stored. This may be an absolute pathname, or a pathname relative to the current working directory. If the final component of the pathname does not exist, it is created.


If not specified, the default result name and directory are used. If not specified for a collect or collect-with action, a new result directory is created in the current working directory. If not specified when generating a report, the report uses the highest numbered compatible result in the current working directory. The default name for a result directory is r@@@{at}, where @@@ is the incremented number of the result, and {at} is a two- or three-letter abbreviation for the analysis type.


Use the result-dir option to specify the result directory. If you specify the result directory for collection or to import results from other projects, you should also specify the result directory for any actions that use this result, such as report.. Specifying the result directory when using the finalize action is highly recommended.

If you want to specify the result directory name, you can use the auto-incremented counter pattern @@@ with a prefix and/or suffix.

For example, you could use the prefix myResult- and the usual analysis type suffix like this: myResult-@@@{at}. If you then perform a memory error analysis, followed by a threading error analysis, specifying -result-dir myResult-@@@{at} each time, the result directories would be assigned the following names: myResult-000mi1 and myResult-001ti2.

Both short names and long names are case-sensitive. For example, -R is the short name of the report action, and -r is the short name of the result-dir action-option.

Alternate Options

The user-data-dir global-option can be used to specify the base directory for results. Result directories created under this base directory would use the default naming conventions unless specified using the result-dir action-option.


This example starts the Threading analysis of the myApplication application and saves the results in the baseline result directory.

On Linux*:

vtune -collect threading -result-dir /temp/test/baseline -- /temp/test/myApplication

On Windows*:

vtune -collect threading -result-dir C:\test\baseline -- C:\test\myApplication.exe