Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-35C6B6FF-6B97-4A59-97DC-2CC4E6C0C6AA
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-35C6B6FF-6B97-4A59-97DC-2CC4E6C0C6AA
Set Up Analysis Target
When you create a project for the Intel® VTune™ Profiler performance analysis, you have to specify what you want to profile - your analysis target, which could be an executable file, a process, or a whole system.
Supported Targets
Before starting an analysis, make sure your target and system are compiled/configured properly for performance profiling.
VTune Profiler supports analysis targets that you can run in these environments:
Development Environment Integration |
Target Platform |
Programming Language |
Programming Model |
Virtual Environment |
Containers |
Specify Your Target
To specify your target for analysis:
Click the
New Project button on the toolbar to create a new project.
If you need to re-configure the target for an existing project, click the
Configure Analysis toolbar button.
The Configure Analysis window opens. By default, the project is pre-configured to run the Performance Snapshot analysis.
If you do not run an analysis on the local host, expand the WHERE pane and select an appropriate target system.
The target system can be the same as the host system, which is a system where the VTune Profiler GUI is installed. If you run an analysis on the same system where the VTune Profiler is installed (i.e. target system=host system), such a target system is called local. Target systems other than local are called remote systems. But both local and remote systems are accessible targets, which means you can access them either directly (local) or via a connection (for example, SSH connection to a remote target).
Local Host
Run an analysis on the local host system.
Remote Linux (SSH)
Run an analysis on a remote regular or embedded Linux* system. VTune Profiler uses the SSH protocol to connect to your remote system. Make sure to fill in the SSH Destination field with the username, hostname, and port (if required) for your remote Linux target system as username@hostname[:port].
Android Device (ADB)
Run an analysis on an Android device. VTune Profiler uses the Android Debug Bridge* (adb) to connect to your Android device. Make sure to specify an Android device targeted for analysis in the ADB Destination field. When the ADB connection is set up, the VTune Profiler automatically detects available devices and displays them in the menu.
Arbitrary Host (not connected)
Create a command line configuration for a platform NOT accessible from the current host, which is called an arbitrary target.
From the WHAT pane, specify an application to launch or click the
Browse button to select a different target type:
Launch Application (pre-selected)
Enable the Launch Application pane and choose and configure an application to analyze, which can be either a binary file or a script.
NOTE:This target type is not supported for the Hotspots analysis of Android applications. Use the Attach to Process or Launch Android Package types instead.
Attach to Process
Enable the Attach to Process pane and choose and configure a process to analyze.
Profile System
Enable the Profile System pane and configure the system-wide analysis that monitors all the software executing on your system.
Launch Android Package
Enable the Launch Android Package pane to specify the name of the Android* package to analyze and configure target options.
If you use VTune Profiler as a web server, the list of available targets and target systems differs.
For driverless event-based sampling data collection, VTune Profiler supports local and remote Launch Application, Attach to Process and Profile System target types but their support fully depends on the Linux Perf profiling credentials specified in the /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid file and managed by the administrator of your system using root credentials. For more information see the perf_event related configuration files topic at By default, only user processes profiling at the both user and kernel spaces is permitted, so you need granting wider profiling credentials via the perf_event_paranoid file to employ the Profile System target type.
What's Next
As soon as you specified the analysis system and target, you may either click the Start button to run Performance Snapshot or click the analysis name in the analysis header to choose a different analysis type.