Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents


Specify grouping in a report.

GUI Equivalent

Bottom-up tab > Grouping drop-down menu


-group-by <granularity1>,<granularity2>





Grouping level that depends on the report type.


Varies by report; function is the most common default.

Actions Modified



Use the group-by action-option to group data in your report by your specified criteria. For multiple grouping levels, add arguments separated by commas (no spaces).


For some reports (for example, top-down report) you can specify only a single grouping level.

To display a list of available groupings for a particular report, type: vtune -report <report_name> -r <result_dir> group-by=?. If you do not specify a result directory, the latest result is used by default.


The function value groups the result data both by function and by module. To group just by the function, use function-only.


Output a hotspots report for the latest result with data grouped by module:

vtune -report hotspots -group-by module

Output a hotspots report for the latest result with data grouped by thread and function:

vtune -report hotspots -group-by thread,function

Display all available hotspots report groupings for a Hotspots analysis result on Linux*:

vtune -R hotspots -r /temp/test/r029hs/r029hs group-by=? vtune: Using result path '/temp/test/r029hs/r029hs' Available values for '-group-by' option are: basic-block : Basic Block function : Function function-mangled : Function module : Module module-path : Module Path process : Process thread-id : TID process-id : PID source-file : Source File source-line : Source Line source-file-path : Source File Path thread : Thread callstack : Call Stack cpuid : Logical Core address : Code Location function-start-address : Start Address source-function : Source Function package : Package source-function-stack : Source Function Stack core : Physical Core class : Class cacheline : Cacheline data-address : Data Address tasks-and-interrupts : Task and Interrupt context : Context vcore : VCore The following items can be specified only as the final grouping level: callstack, source-function-stack.