Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents


Collect data on a remote machine using SSH/ADB connection.

GUI Equivalent

Configure Analysis window > WHERE pane





Target system for remote collection. Supported values are:

  • ssh:username@hostname[:port] - for Linux* systems, where you specify a user name, network name of the remote system accessed via SSH (usually IP address), and a port to connect (if required).

  • get-perf-cmd:pmuName - for Linux* systems. When you specify the target PMU name, this argument displays on the command line the parameters for the perf driverless collector for a specific analysis. To see a list of available PMUs, type:

    sep -platform-list
    Use this argument when:
    • You do not have an SSH connection to the target machine.

    • You cannot install VTune Profiler on the target machine, for security reasons.


    The Linux Perf* tool (driverless collection) supports complex event names that contain .:= symbols in v4.18 and newer versions. For example,

    perf record -e cpu/period=0x98968f,event=0xc7,umask=0x20,name=\'FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED.256B_PACKED_SINGLE\'/uk ./a.out
    Complex names like this example are not necessary for the Perf tool itself. You can replace these symbols for a simpler name.

    perf record -e cpu/period=0x98968f,event=0xc7,umask=0x20,name=\'FP_ARITH_INST_RETIRED_256B_PACKED_SINGLE\'/uk ./a.out

Actions Modified

collect, collect-with


Intel® VTune Profiler enables you to analyze applications running on a remote Linux system or Android device (target system) using the VTune Profiler command line interface (vtune) installed on the host system (remote usage mode). Use the target-system option to specify your target system and enable remote data collection.

For details, see Linux* System Setup for Remote Analysis and Android* System Setup.


This command runs Hotspots analysis in the hardware event-based mode for the application on a Linux embedded system:

host>./vtune --target-system=ssh:user1@ –collect hotspots -knob collection-type:hw-events -- /target-system-path/app

This example shows a list of available PMU names and the command for driverless collection for a Linux system:

$sep -platform-list
Platform: 111, PMU: skylake_server, Signature: 0x50650, CPU name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor code named Skylake
$ vtune --collect uarch-exploration --target-system=get-perf-cmd:skylake_server

This command runs Hotspots analysis in the user-mode sampling mode for the application on an Android system:

host>./vtune –-collect hotspots –-target-system=android -r quadrant_r@@@ --target-process

This command runs Hotspots analysis in the hardware event-based mode for the application on an Android system:

host>./vtune --collect hotspots -knob collection-type:hw-events --target-system=android -r quadrant_r000 --target-process