Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents


Launch an external collector to gather custom interval and counter statistics for your target in parallel with the VTune Profiler.

GUI Equivalent

Configure Analysis window > WHAT pane





Command line launching an external collection tool.

Actions Modified



Your custom collector can be an application you analyze with the VTune Profiler or a collector that can be launched with the VTune Profiler.

Use the -custom-collector option to specify an external collector other than a target analysis application.

When you start a collection, the VTune Profiler does the following:

  1. Launches the target application in the suspended mode.

  2. Launches the custom collector in the attach (or system-wide) mode.

  3. Switches the application to the active mode and starts profiling.

If your custom collector cannot be launched in the attach mode, the collection may produce incomplete data.

You can later import custom collection data (time intervals and counters) in a CSV format to the VTune Profiler result.


This example runs Hotspots analysis in the default user-mode sampling mode and also launches an external script collecting custom statistics for the specified application:


vtune -collect hotspots -custom-collector="python.exe C:\work\" -- notepad.exe


vtune -collect hotspots -custom-collector="python /home/my_collectors/" -- my_app

This example runs VTune Profiler event-based sampling collector and also uses an external system collector to identify product environment variables:


vtune -collect-with runsa -custom-collector="set | find \"AMPLXE\"" -- notepad.exe


vtune -collect-with runsa -custom-collector="set | find \"AMPLXE\"" -- my_app