Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Using JIT Profiling API

To include JIT Profiling support, do one of the following:

  • Include the following files to your source tree:

    • jitprofiling.h, located under <install-dir>\include (Windows*) or <install-dir>/include (Linux*)

    • ittnotify_config.h, ittnotify_types.h and jitprofiling.c, located under <install-dir>\sdk\src\ittnotify (Windows*) or <install-dir>/sdk/src/ittnotify (Linux*)

    To locate your <install-dir> see Installation Directory.
  • Use the static library provided with the product:

    1. Include jitprofiling.h file, located under the <install-dir>\include (Windows*) or <install-dir>/include (Linux*) directory, in your code. This header file provides all API function prototypes and type definitions.

    2. Link to jitprofiling.lib (Windows*) or jitprofiling.a (Linux*), located under <install-dir>\lib32or <install-dir>\lib64 (Windows*) or <install-dir>/lib32 or <install-dir>/lib32 (Linux*).

Use This Primitive

To Do This

int iJIT_NotifyEvent( iJIT_JVM_EVENT event_type, void *EventSpecificData );

Use this API to send a notification of event_type with the data pointed by EventSpecificData to the agent. The reported information is used to attribute samples obtained from any Intel® VTune™ Profiler collector.

unsigned int iJIT_GetNewMethodID( void );

Generate a new method ID. You must use this function to assign unique and valid method IDs to methods reported to the profiler.

This API returns a new unique method ID. When out of unique method IDs, this API function returns 0.

iJIT_IsProfilingActiveFlags iJIT_IsProfilingActive( void );

Returns the current mode of the profiler: off, or sampling, using the iJIT_IsProfilingActiveFlags enumeration.

This API returns iJIT_SAMPLING_ON by default, indicating that Sampling is running. It returns iJIT_NOTHING_RUNNING if no profiler is running.

Lifetime of Allocated Data

You send an event notification to the agent (VTune Profiler) with event-specific data, which is a structure. The pointers in the structure refer to memory you allocated and you are responsible for releasing it. The pointers are used by the iJIT_NotifyEvent method to copy your data in a trace file, and they are not used after the iJIT_NotifyEvent method returns.

JIT Profiling API Sample Application

VTune Profiler is installed with a sample application in the (Windows*) or jitprofiling_vtune_amp_xe.tgz (Linux*) that emulates the creation and execution of dynamic code. In addition, it uses the JIT profiling API to notify the VTune Profiler when it transfers execution control to dynamic code.

To install and set up the sample code:

  1. Copy the (Windows*) or jitprofiling_vtune_amp_xe.tgz (Linux*) file from the <install-dir>\samples\<locale>\C++ (Windows*) or <install-dir>/samples/<locale>/C++ (Linux*)directory to a writable directory or share on your system.
  2. Extract the sample from the archive file.

Build jitprofiling.c in Microsoft Visual Studio*

  1. Copy the file from the <install-dir>\samples\<locale>\C++ directory to a writable directory or share on your system.
  2. Extract the sample from the .zip file.
  3. Open the jitprofiling.sln file with Microsoft Visual Studio.
  4. Right-click jitprofiling in the Solution Explorer and select Properties. The jitprofiling Property Pages window opens.
  5. Set the Platform (top of the window) to x64.
  6. Select Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General and add the path to the headers (<install-dir>/include) to Additional Include Directories.
  7. Select Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Linker > General and add the path to the library (<install-dir>/lib32 or <install-dir>/lib64) to Additional Library Directories.
  8. Click OK to apply the changes and close the window.
  9. Rebuild the solution with the new project settings.

Installation Information

Follow these instructions in the Installation Guide to install VTune Profiler on:

Whether you download Intel® VTune™ Profiler as a standalone component or with the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit, the default path for your <install-dir> is:

Operating System Path to <install-dir>

Windows* OS

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI\
  • C:\Program Files\Intel\oneAPI\

    (in certain systems)

Linux* OS

  • /opt/intel/oneapi/ for root users
  • $HOME/intel/oneapi/ for non-root users

Make sure that your installation of Intel® VTune™ Profiler has also installed the sampling drivers necessary for data collection.