Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

String Handle API

Many API calls require names to identify API objects. String handles are pointers to names. They enable efficient handling of named objects in run time and make collected traces data more compact.

To create and return a handle value that can be associated with a string, use the following primitive:

__itt_string_handle *ITTAPI__itt_string_handle_create ( const char *name)

Consecutive calls to __itt_string_handle_create with the same name return the same value. The set of string handles is expected to remain static during the application's execution time, therefore, there is no mechanism to destroy a string handle. Any string handle can be accessed by any thread in the process, regardless of which thread created the string handle. This call is thread-safe.

Parameters of the primitive:



The input string