Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Choose Data Format

Configure the format of presenting the performance data in the grid views.

To configure the data format, right-click the column, select Show Data As > from the context menu and choose between available options:

Use This Format

To Do This


Display a graphical indicator of the amount of CPU time spent on this row item (blue bar) or the processor utilization during CPU or Wait time (composed bar). The longer the bar, the higher the value.

Composed bar is available for the Threading analysis only.


Display the amount of time calculated as the percentage of the cell value to the sum of values in this column for the whole result (or to the non-filtered-out items if a filter is applied). For the nested columns (for example, CPU Time > Idle), the sum of values used in the formula is based on the top-level column values (for example, CPU Time).

In the compare mode, the same formula is used for per-result columns (for example: CPU Time:<result 1 name>, CPU Time:<result 2 name>). But for the Difference column (for example: CPU Time:Difference), the percent value is calculated as the cell value / sum of values in this column for the first result (or for non-filtered-out items if a filter is applied).

Percent and Bar

Display both the percent and a bar.


Display the amount of time the processor spent on this row item. The unit size (m, s, ms) is added to each cell value.

The default format for time values is the real zero format. For higher accuracy, switch to the Scientific format. To do this, right click on the value and select Show Data As > Scientific.

Time and Bar

Display both the amount of time and a bar.


For the Threading Efficiency viewpoint, display the number of times the corresponding system wait API was called. For the event-based sampling results, display event count based on the number of samples collected. Event Counts = Samples x Sample After value.

Counts and Bar

Display both the counts and a bar.


Display performance values in the scientific notation. Typically this format is recommended if a value is < 0.001.

Scientific and Bar

Display both scientific notation and a bar.


For some viewpoints available for the hardware event-based sampling analysis types, display the percentage of CPU cycles used by a program unit. For example, 1.533 means that 153% of CPU cycles were used to handle a particular hardware issue during the execution of the selected program unit.

Double and Bar

For some viewpoints available for the hardware event-based sampling analysis types, display the percentage of CPU cycles used by a program unit and corresponding graphical indicator.

Percent of Collection Time

For some metrics (for example, OpenMP* and MPI metrics), display the Time value as percent of Collection Time, which is the wall time from the beginning to the end of collection, excluding Paused Time.


The values in the data columns are rounded. For items that are sums of several other items, such as a function with several stacks, the rounded sums may differ slightly from the sum of rounded summands.

For example:

Module / Function

Time (exact)

Time (rounded)










The rounded values in the grid do not sum up exactly as (0.123 + 0.123) != 0.247.