Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Profile Targets in the Hyper-V* Environment

Configure your Windows* system to enable hardware event-based performance analysis in the Hyper-V virtualization environment.

VTune Profiler supports performance profiling in the Hyper-V environment with some limitations applicable to the event-based sampling collection. So, before you start the analysis, make sure your system configuration satisfies the requirements.

Verify Your System Configuration for Hardware Analysis

  • For the hardware analysis in your Hyper-V environment, make sure your system runs on:

    • Intel microarchitectures code named Skylake, Goldmont, or later;

    • Windows 10 RS3 operating system (version 1709) or later. To check the system version, use the winver command.

  • Run the msinfo32 command to make sure the Hyper-V is enabled and running.

    The System Summary in the System Information dialog box should show the Virtualization-based security item as Running:


If your system does not meet the profiling requirements but you plan to run hardware event-based sampling analysis with VTune Profiler, make sure to disable the Hyper-V feature in the system settings.

Disable the Credential Guard and Device Guard on Hyper-V

The Hyper-V has optional security features: Device Guard and Credential Guard. When either or both of them are enabled, accessing non-architectural PMU MSRs triggers (required for the driver-based hardware event sampling analysis) a general protection fault. For example, offcore response MSRs and uncore related MSRs are non-architectural MSRs. To collect these events, you must disable the security features as follows:

  1. Make sure the security features are running on your system:

    1. Run the msinfo32 command to open the System Information dialog.

    2. In the System Summary, check whether the Virtualization-based Security Services Running item includes Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity and/or Credential Guard values.

  2. Disable these security features by running the Microsoft* DG-CG-Readiness-Tool, available at

    1. Open Powershell as an administrator and go to the tool installation directory.

    2. Run the tool as follows:

      .\DG_Readiness_Tool_v2.1.ps1 -Disable -CG -DG
    3. Reboot the system.

    4. Make sure the device guard is turned off. The output from msinfo32 should NOT include either Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity or Credential Guard.