Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Domain API

A domain enables tagging trace data for different modules or libraries in a program. Domains are specified by unique character strings, for example TBB.Internal.Control.

Each domain is represented by an opaque __itt_domain structure, which you can use to tag each of the ITT API calls in your code.

You can selectively enable or disable specific domains in your application, in order to filter the subsets of instrumentation that are collected into the output trace capture file. To disable a domain set its flag field to 0 value. This disables tracing for a particular domain while keeping the rest of the code unmodified. The overhead of a disabled domain is a single if check.

To create a domain, use the following primitives:

__itt_domain *ITTAPI__itt_domain_create ( const char *name)

For a domain name, the URI naming style is recommended, for example, com.my_company.my_application. The set of domains is expected to be static over the application's execution time, therefore, there is no mechanism to destroy a domain.

Any domain can be accessed by any thread in the process, regardless of which thread created the domain. This call is thread-safe.

Parameters of the primitives:



Name of domain

Usage Example

#include "ittnotify.h"

__itt_domain* pD = __itt_domain_create(L"My Domain" ); 
pD->flags = 0; /* disable domain */