Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Analysis Target Options

Manage the analysis of your target using target specific configuration options provided in the Configure Analysis window.

To access target configuration options:

  1. Open the Configure Analysis window.

  2. Choose a target system on the WHERE pane.

  3. Choose a target type on the WHAT pane and configure the options below.


To create a command line configuration for a target not accessible from the current host, choose the Arbitrary Host target system on the WHERE pane. Make sure to choose an operating system your target will be running with: Windows or GNU/Linux and a hardware platform.

Target options vary with the selected target system and target type (Launch Application, Attach to Process, or Profile System).

Basic Options

Use This

To Do This

Inherit settings from Visual Studio* project check box (supported for Visual Studio IDE only)

Enable/disable using the project currently opened in Visual Studio IDE and its current configuration settings as a target configuration. Checking this check box makes all other target configuration settings unavailable for editing.

Inherit system environment variables check box

Inherit and merge system and user-defined environment variables. Otherwise, only the user-defined variables are set.

Launch Application options:

Application field

Specify a full path to the application to analyze, which can be a binary file or script.

To profile Java or Python code, enter the appropriate command in this field. Then specify your code in the parameters field.

Application parameters field

Specify input parameters for your application. To profile Java or Python code, this is the field where you specify your code with any applicable parameters.

Use application directory as working directory check box

Automatically match your working and application directory (enabled by default). An application directory is the directory where your application resides. For example, for a Linux application /home/foo/bar the application directory is /home/foo. Application and working directories may be different if, for example, an application file is located in one directory but should be launched from a different directory (working directory).

Attach to Process options:

Arbitrary Host options:

Advanced Options

Use the Advanced section to provide more details on your target configuration.

Use This

To Do This

User-defined environment variables field

Type or paste environment variables required for running your application.

Managed code profiling mode menu

Select a profiling mode for managed code. Managed mode attributes data to managed source and only collects managed portion. Native mode collects everything but does not attribute data to managed source. Mixed mode collects everything and attributes data to managed source where appropriate.

Automatically resume collection after (sec)

Specify the time that should elapse before the data collection is resumed. When this options is used, the collection starts in the paused mode automatically.

Automatically stop collection after (sec)

Set the duration of data collection in seconds starting from the target run. This is useful if you want to exclude some post-processing activities from the analysis results.

Analyze child processes check box

Collect data on processes launched by the target process. Use this option when profiling an application with the script.

Selecting this option enables the Per-process Configuration where you can specify child processes to analyze. For example, if your target application calls shell or makes processes, you can choose to exclude them from analysis and focus only on the processes you develop.

The Default process configuration represents how all processes should be analyzed. This line cannot be removed, but can be customized. Depending on your choice, you may include/exclude from the data collection specific processes (self value) and the child processes they spawn (children value).

This option is not applicable to hardware event-based analysis types.

Arbitrary Host options:

Support Limitations

  • VTune Profiler provides limited support for profiling Windows* services. For details, see Profiling Windows Services article on the web.

  • System-wide profiling is not supported for the user-mode sampling and tracing collection.

  • For driverless event-based sampling data collection, VTune Profiler supports local and remote use of these target types:

    • Launch Application
    • Attach to Process
    • Profile System

    The support for these target types depends on the Linux Perf profiling credentials, which are specified in the /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid file. These credentials are managed by the system administrator using root credentials. For more information, see Perf_event related configuration files.

    By default, only user processes profiling at the both user and kernel spaces is permitted, so you need granting wider profiling credentials via the perf_event_paranoid file to employ the Profile System target type.

What's Next

In the HOW pane, select an analysis type applicable to the specified target type and click Start to run the analysis.


You can launch an analysis only for targets accessible from the current host. For an arbitrary target, you can only generate a command line configuration, save it to the buffer and later launch it on the intended host.