Intel® VTune™ Profiler

User Guide

ID 766319
Date 3/31/2025
Document Table of Contents

Analysis System Options

Specify a system targeted for performance analysis in the Configure Analysis window.

Prerequisites: Make sure to prepare your target system for analysis.

To access the system configuration options:

  1. Open the Configure Analysis window.

  2. Choose a target system in the WHERE pane.

    If you select the Local Host option, no system specific configuration is required. Other systems types need additional configuration.

Remote Linux* Options

When you select the Remote Linux (SSH) system on the WHERE pane, the VTune Profiler provides the following configuration options:

Use This

To Do This

SSH destination field

Specify a username, hostname, and port (if required) for your remote Linux machine as username@hostname[:port].

Intel® VTune™ Profiler installation directory on the remote system field

Specify a path to Intel® VTune™ Profiler on the remote system.

  • If Intel® VTune™ Profiler is not installed on the remote system, the collectors are automatically copied over, installed in the default location (/tmp), and the path is supplied.

  • If VTune Profiler is already installed in a location other than /tmp, add the location here.

Temporary directory on the remote system field

Specify a path to the /tmp directory on the remote system where performance results are temporarily stored.

Deploy button

Deploy the collector package to the target system if the package is not found on the target system.

Android* Options

In the WHERE pane, when you select the Android Device (ADB) system, VTune Profiler displays the ADB destination menu and prompts you to specify an Android device for analysis. When the ADB connection is set up, VTune Profiler detects available devices and displays them in the menu.

Arbitrary Host Options

In the WHERE pane, when you select the Arbitrary Host (not connected) system, VTune Profiler prompts you to specify the following data for the system targeted for the analysis but currently not accessible:

Use This

To Do This

Hardware platform field

Select a hardware platform for analysis from the drop-down menu, for example: Intel® processor code-named Sapphire Rapids.

Operating system field

Specify either Windows* or GNU*/Linux* operating system.

What's Next

In the WHAT pane, select an analysis target for the specified analysis system.


You can launch an analysis only for targets accessible from the current host. For an arbitrary target, you can only generate a command line configuration, save it to the buffer and later launch it on the intended host.