Visible to Intel only — GUID: wsz1701810936744
Visible to Intel only — GUID: wsz1701810936744
2.5.8. TX user clock output does not work for a certain range of VCO frequencies
The o_tx_clkout and o_tx_clkout2 ports have an issue when selecting "TX User Clock" as the source. Depending on the data rate, the user clock is driven by either the slow, medium, and fast PLLs. The medium speed PLL, which has a VCO output frequency range of between 10.5 to 13.5 GHz, cannot drive the user clock, which causes the user clock output to be in an incorrect frequency. Therefore, do not use the user clock when the data rate requires the usage of the medium speed PLL. Data rates such as 3.125 Gbps or 6.25 Gbps require the medium speed PLL frequency of 12.5 GHz.
You can check the data rates that are affected by using the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY IP. as follows:
- Set the required "PMA data rate".
- Select the reference clock frequency.
- Check the stated VCO frequency. The message pane shows if "TX_PLL_MED" is selected.
If the VCO frequency is between 10.5 to 13GHz, or "TX_PLL_MED" is written in the info message, you cannot use the user clock.
The word clock is not impacted by this issue, and can be used when data rates require the medium speed PLL be used.