Agilex™ 5 ES Device Errata and User Guidelines

ID 825514
Date 12/09/2024
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3.4.2. 1741320: Use of FUNC_RET power mode prevents thread wakeup in a multithreaded core


A core can implement support for the FUNC_RET and/or the FULL_RET power modes. When FUNC_RET is disabled in the CPUPWRCTLR_EL1.SIMD_RET_CTRL field (which is the default), power transitions are allowed directly between the ON and FULL_RET power modes. When FUNC_RET is enabled, transitions between FULL_RET and ON must go through FUNC_RET, and any direct transitions will be denied as documented in the DSU Technical Reference Manual.

When the DSU is configured with a multithreaded core, the state of the two threads can be controlled with the operating mode in the core P-Channel. If the multithreaded core is in the FULL_RET power mode, then the core must be moved to the ON power mode before the operating mode can be changed. When used with the Arm Power Policy Unit (PPU) in the PCK-600 product, the PPU will not be aware of the CPUPWRCTLR_EL1.SIMD_RET_CTRL status and will always request a direct transition from FULL_RET to ON in this situation. The transition will be repeatedly denied by the core, which can lead to a system deadlock.


  1. One thread in the core is active.
  2. The CPUPWRCTLR_EL1.SIMD_RET_CTRL field is set to a nonzero value.
  3. The CPUPWRCTLR_EL1.WFI_RET_CTRL field or the CPUPWRCTLR_EL1.WFE_RET_CTRL field is set to a nonzero value.
  4. The active thread executes a WFI or WFE instruction which causes the core to enter FULL_RET power mode.
  5. The PPU receives a wake request for the other thread, and so requests that the core moves to the ON power mode directly from the FULL_RET mode.


The core will repeatedly deny the transition to ON. If there is no activity that causes the first thread to leave WFE or WFI, then the system will not be able to activate the second thread, which might lead to a system deadlock.

For implementors targeting functional safety applications:

An additional source for existing failure mode end effects of Livelock and Deadlock should be added in the cb_sys part and cb_sys_cpm sub-parts of the Cortex-A65 FMEDA Report. 'Incorrect power p-channel response can cause power mode transitions to be constantly denied'. This additional source will not change the diagnostic metrics reported in the FMEDA Report for Cortex-A65.


The software should avoid setting the CPUPWRCTLR_EL1.SIMD_RET_CTRL register. If the implementation supported the FUNC_RET power mode, then this will prevent the benefit of the lower leakage power savings from that mode.

If the implementation wants to support the FUNC_RET mode, then additional system logic between the cluster and the PPU is possible, please contact Arm for more details about this.


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