Agilex™ 5 ES Device Errata and User Guidelines

ID 825514
Date 12/09/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.8.4. Output Pin Utilization Limit per HVIO Bank


Due to a limitation in the Agilex™ 5 ES device, the HVIO output pin voltage may exceed the AC maximum allowed overshoot and DC input voltage (Vi) specification when HVIO bank is highly occupied with simultaneous toggling output pins. Additionally, HVIO output pin may exhibit signal undershoot that could violate the VIH (min) specification for the downstream device driven by these output pins.


Adhere to the below guideline on the amount of output pin utilization per HVIO bank across different I/O standards, current strength and data rate. The remaining pins per HVIO bank can be used as input pin.

Table 5.  Allowable Output Pin Utilization per HVIO Bank
Data rate (Mbps) I/O Standards Current Strength Setting

Max output pin utilization per HVIO Bank

(Without On-Board Series Resistor)

Max output pin utilization per HVIO Bank

(With On-Board 25 Ohm Series Resistor)

250 1.8 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 16 16
9mA 10 12
12mA 8 12
200 1.8 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 20 20
12mA 14 20
2.5 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 13 12
12mA 8 12
3.3 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 15 15
9mA 8 11
12mA 4 9
150 1.8 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 20 20
12mA 18 20
2.5 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 16 18
12mA 11 18
3.3 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 11 13
12mA 5 12
100 1.8 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 19 20
12mA 16 20
2.5 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 15 20
12mA 10 20
3.3 V LVCMOS/LVTTL 3 mA 20 20
6mA 20 20
9mA 10 16
12mA 6 16
Table Allowable Output Pin Utilization per HVIO Bank is subject to the following conditions:
  • Derived based on 90 mil board thickness with the decoupling capacitor requirement as recommended in PCB High-Speed Signal Design Guidelines: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs.
  • The allowable output pin utilization in the table varies if your board thickness and decoupling capacitor does not adhere to the recommended PCB design guidelines.
  • Board thickness of more than 90mil will require lower current strength setting for the same amount of HVIO output pin, as diplayed in the table.