Agilex™ 5 ES Device Errata and User Guidelines

ID 825514
Date 12/09/2024
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2.5.5. Dedicated CDR clock output pin (CDRCLKOUT_GTS) not available in bank 1C and 4B causing migration limitation to smaller device family


The ES device (A5Ex065BB32AExxR0) has a limitation and do not have the CDR recovered clock output pins (CDRCLKOUT) bonded out in the GTS transceiver banks. If you need to use the CDR recovered clock you can route out using the bi-directional local reference clock pin (REFCLK_GTS) in Ch1 of the GTS bank.

Due to this limitation, you will not be able to migrate to any single transceiver bank device (A5E08B, A5E013B and A5E028B), because the single transceiver bank device Ch1 only supports input reference clock pin and does not serve as a bi-directional clock pin. This single transceiver bank has dedicated CDR recovered clock output pin on Ch2. Due to this clock architecture difference in the single transceiver bank device, it restrict you from migrating this ES device to the single transceiver bank device family.

The GTS banks naming change from bigger to smaller device variant and to understand this, you can refer to the designated Agilex™ 5 Pin-out files. In addition, you can refer to the Figure Consideration Details in the topic Package B32A of the Device Migration Guidelines: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs E-Series for the GTS bank location naming based on migration concept.


To allow migration to any single transceiver bank device family, you need to use the production device that has the dedicated CDR clock output pin bonded out in bank GTSL1C and/or GTSR4B. The production device pin-out file will also document the dedicated CDR clock out pin (CDRCLKOUT) for these two GTS banks.