Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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2.14. Validating System Integrity

You can use any of the following methods to validate Platform Designer system integrity.
  • To perform system integrity check for the entire system, click the Validate System Integrity button at the bottom of main Platform Designer window. If validation finds errors, click Reload and Update All Components to reload signal and interface values from the corresponding IP component file.
    Figure 43. Validating System Integrity
  • View any errors and warnings on the System Messages tab. Double-click the warning or error messages to locate the issue in the System View or Parameters tab to correct the issue. Platform Designer generates the following types of system validation errors and warnings:
Table 17.  System Messages Types in Platform Designer
System Messages Types Description

Component Instantiation Warning

Indicates the mismatches between system information parameters or IP core parameterization errors. A system information parameters mismatch refers to the mismatch between an IP component's system parameter expectations and the component's saved system information parameters in the corresponding .ip file. For example:

  • Interface types do not match
  • Interface is missing
  • Port has been moved to another interface
  • Port role has changed
  • Interface assignment is mismatched
  • Interface assignment is missing

Component Instantiation Error

Indicates the mismatches between HDL entity name, compilation library, or ports which results in downstream compilation errors. The component instantiation errors always indicate the fundamental mismatches between generated system and interconnect fabric RTL. For example:

  • Port is missing from the ip file
  • Port is missing from instantiation
  • Port direction has changed
  • Port HDL type has changed
  • Port width has changed
  • Interface Parameter is mismatched
  • Interface Parameter is missing

System Connectivity Warning

Platform Designer system connectivity warnings.

System Connectivity Error

Platform Designer system connectivity errors.