Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents Editing Wire-Level Expressions

After you add a wire-level expression to an optional input port, you can add, edit, or remove wire-level expressions and connections in the Platform Designer GUI.
Follow these steps to edit wire-level expressions in the Platform Designer GUI:
  1. To specify a new wire-level expression, right-click an input port in the Hierarchy tab and click Add Wire-Level Expression. The Edit Wire-Level Expression dialog box appears.
  2. To construct the expression, drag operators or ports from the list of operators or ports, and drop them into the expression field. Refer to Wire-Level Expression Syntax for a list of legal operators.
  3. Click the text field at the top of the Edit Wire-Level Expression dialog box and press the Down Arrow key to enable the expression assistant. The assistant provides a context sensitive list of available operators at the cursor position.
    Figure 32. Edit Wire-Level Expression Dialog Box
  4. Modify the elements of the expression in the workspace:
    • To add a value to an expression, right-click a node and select Insert Value.
    • Double-click on a value to enter a numeric value or port name.
    • Click an operator node to change the operator type.
    • Reorder nodes or move nodes between operators by dragging them.
  5. To manage all wire-level expressions, click View > Wire-Level Expression Editor. The Wire-Level Expression Editor allows you to add new wire-level expressions, edit, or remove existing wire-level expressions.
    Figure 33. Wire-Level Expression Editor