Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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4.3.7. Create an HDL File Using a Template in the Platform Designer Component Editor

You can use a template to create interfaces and signals for your Platform Designer component
  1. In Platform Designer, click New Component in the IP Catalog.
  2. On the Component Type tab, define your component information in the Name, Display Name, Version, Group, Description, Created by, Icon, and Documentation boxes.
  3. Click Finish.
    Your new component appears in the IP Catalog under the category that you define for "Group".
  4. In Platform Designer, right-click your new component in the IP Catalog, and then click Edit.
  5. In the Platform Designer Component Editor, click any interface from the Templates drop-down menu.
    The Component Editor fills the Signals and Interfaces tabs with the component interface template details.
  6. On the Files tab, click Create Synthesis File from Signals.
  7. Do the following in the Create HDL Template dialog box as shown below:
    1. Verify that the correct files appears in File path, or browse to the location where you want to save your file.
    2. Select the HDL language.
    3. Click Save to save your new interface, or Cancel to discard the new interface definition.
      Create HDL Template Dialog Box
  8. Verify the <component_name>.v file appears in the Synthesis Files table on the Files tab.