Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents Burst Adapter Implementation Options

Platform Designer automatically inserts burst adapters into your system depending on your host and agent connections, and properties. You can select burst adapter implementation options on the Interconnect Requirements tab.

To access the implementation options, you must select the Burst adapter implementation setting for the $system identifier.

  • Generic converter (slower, lower area)—Default. Controls all burst conversions with a single converter that can adapt incoming burst types. This results in an adapter that has lower fMAX, but smaller area.
  • Per-burst-type converter (faster, higher area)—Controls incoming bursts with a specific converter, depending on the burst type. This results in an adapter that has higher fMAX, but higher area. This setting is useful when you have AXI managers or subordinates and you want a higher fMAX.
Note: For more information about the Interconnect Requirements tab, refer to Creating a System with Platform Designer .