Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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5.1.1. Designing Streaming Components

When you design streaming component interfaces, you must consider integration and communication for each component in the system. One common consideration is buffering data internally to accommodate latency between components.

For example, if the component’s Avalon® streaming output or source of streaming data is back-pressured because the ready signal is deasserted, then the component must back-pressure its input or sink interface to avoid overflow.

You can use a FIFO to back-pressure internally on the output side of the component so that the input can accept more data even if the output is back-pressured. Then, you can use the FIFO almost full flag to back-pressure the sink interface or input data when the FIFO has only enough space to satisfy the internal latency. You can drive the data valid signal of the output or source interface with the FIFO not empty flag when that data is available.