Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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4.8. Control File Generation Dynamically with Parameters and a Fileset Callback

You can use a fileset callback to control which files are created in the output directories during the generation phase based on parameter values, instead of providing a fixed list of files. In a callback procedure, you can query the values of the parameters and use them to generate the appropriate files. To define a fileset callback, you specify a callback procedure name as an argument in the add_fileset command. You can use the same fileset callback procedure for all of the filesets, or create separate procedures for synthesis and simulation, or Verilog and VHDL.

Fileset Callback Using Parameters to Control Filesets in Two Different Ways

The RAM_VERSION parameter chooses between two different source files to control the implementation of a RAM block. For the top-level source file, a custom Tcl routine generates HDL that optionally includes control and status registers, depending on the value of the CSR_ENABLED parameter.

During the generation phase, Platform Designer creates a top-level Platform Designer system HDL wrapper module to instantiate the component top-level module, and applies the component's parameters, for any parameter whose parameter property HDL_PARAMETER is set to true.

#Create synthesis fileset with fileset_callback and set top level

add_fileset my_synthesis_fileset QUARTUS_SYNTH fileset_callback

set_fileset_property my_synthesis_fileset TOP_LEVEL \

# Create Verilog simulation fileset with same fileset_callback
# and set top level

add_fileset my_verilog_sim_fileset SIM_VERILOG fileset_callback

set_fileset_property my_verilog_sim_fileset TOP_LEVEL \

# Add extra file needed for simulation only

add_fileset_file SYSTEM_VERILOG PATH \

# Create VHDL simulation fileset (with Verilog files
# for mixed-language VHDL simulation)

add_fileset my_vhdl_sim_fileset SIM_VHDL fileset_callback
set_fileset_property my_vhdl_sim_fileset TOP_LEVEL demo_axi_memory

add_fileset_file SYSTEM_VERILOG PATH 

# Define parameters required for fileset_callback

add_parameter RAM_VERSION INTEGER 1
set_parameter_property RAM_VERSION ALLOWED_RANGES {1 2}
set_parameter_property RAM_VERSION HDL_PARAMETER false
add_parameter CSR_ENABLED BOOLEAN enable
set_parameter_property CSR_ENABLED HDL_PARAMETER false

# Create Tcl callback procedure to add appropriate files to 
# filesets based on parameters

proc fileset_callback { entityName } {
  send_message INFO "Generating top-level entity $entityName"
  set ram [get_parameter_value RAM_VERSION]
  set csr_enabled [get_parameter_value CSR_ENABLED]

  send_message INFO "Generating memory 
  implementation based on RAM_VERSION $ram	"

	  if {$ram == 1} {
		  add_fileset_file single_clk_ram1.v VERILOG PATH \
	  } else	 {
		  add_fileset_file single_clk_ram2.v VERILOG PATH \

send_message INFO "Generating top-level file for \
CSR_ENABLED $csr_enabled"

generate_my_custom_hdl $csr_enabled

add_fileset_file VERILOG PATH \