Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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4.4.5. Creating a System Template for a Generic Component

To create a Platform Designer system template:

  1. Double-click Generic Component in the IP Catalog.
  2. In the Component Instantiation editor, add the interfaces and signals for the new component in the Signals & Interfaces tab, as .
  3. Select the Implementation Templates tab.
  4. Click Create Platform Designer System Template button. This option creates an empty Platform Designer system and saves the template as a .qsys file to implement this generic component.
Figure 108. Creating System templates

To implement this component:

  1. To open the template Platform Designer system, click File > Open and choose the specific .qsys file.
  2. Add either or both IP components and generic components then export their interfaces to satisfy the specified interface requirements.
  3. To view the exported interfaces in the Interface Requirements tab, select View > Interface Requirements.
Figure 109. Viewing the Interface Requirements from the System Template