Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents Specify Files for Simulation in the Component Editor

To support Platform Designer system generation for your custom component, you must specify VHDL or Verilog simulation files.

You can choose to generate Verilog or VHDL simulation files. In most cases, these files are the same as the synthesis files. If there are simulation-specific HDL files or simulation models, you can use them in addition to, or in place of the synthesis files. To use your synthesis files as your simulation files, click Copy From Synthesis Files on the Files tab in the Platform Designer Component Editor.

Note: The order that you add files to the fileset determines the order of compilation. For VHDL filesets with VHDL files, you must add the files bottom-up, adding the top-level file last.
Figure 88. Specifying the Simulation Output Files on the Files Tab

You specify the simulation files in a similar way as the synthesis files with the fileset commands in a _hw.tcl file. The code example below  shows SIM_VERILOG and SIM_VHDL filesets for Verilog and VHDL simulation output files. In this example, the same Verilog files are used for both Verilog and VHDL outputs, and there is one additional SystemVerilog file added. This method works for designers of Verilog IP to support users who want to generate a VHDL top-level simulation file when they have a mixed-language simulation tool and license that can read the Verilog output for the component.

_hw.tcl Created from Entries in the Files tab in the Simulation Files Section

add_fileset SIM_VERILOG SIM_VERILOG "" ""
set_fileset_property SIM_VERILOG TOP_LEVEL demo_axi_memory
add_fileset_file single_clk_ram.v VERILOG PATH single_clk_ram.v

add_fileset_file SYSTEM_VERILOG PATH \

add_fileset_file SYSTEM_VERILOG PATH \

add_fileset SIM_VHDL SIM_VHDL "" ""
set_fileset_property SIM_VHDL TOP_LEVEL demo_axi_memory

add_fileset_file SYSTEM_VERILOG PATH \

add_fileset_file single_clk_ram.v VERILOG PATH single_clk_ram.v

add_fileset_file SYSTEM_VERILOG PATH \