Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 6/20/2022

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4.3.2. Edit an IP Component with the Platform Designer Component Editor

In Platform Designer, you make changes to a component by right-clicking the component in the System View tab, and then clicking Edit. After making changes, click Finish to save the changes to the _hw.tcl file.

You can open an _hw.tcl file in a text editor to view the hardware Tcl for the component. If you edit the _hw.tcl file to customize the component with advanced features, you cannot use the Component Editor to make further changes without over-writing your customized file.

You cannot use the Component Editor to edit components installed with the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, such as Intel-provided components. If you edit the HDL for a component and change the interface to the top-level module, you must edit the component to reflect the changes you make to the HDL.