AN 307: Intel® FPGA Design Flow for Xilinx* Users

ID 683562
Date 3/20/2018

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Document Table of Contents Platform Designer System Integration Tool

Similar to Xilinx* 's Vivado* IP Integration tool, Intel® FPGA provides the Platform Designer System Integration tool (Tools > Platform Designer ).


Platform Designer enables the use of processors (such as the Intel® FPGA Nios® II embedded processor), interfaces to off-chip processors, standard peripherals, IP cores, on-chip memory, off-chip memory, and user-defined logic into a custom system module.

Platform Designer generates a single system module that instantiates these components and automatically generates the necessary interconnect logic to bind them together.


When migrating from Xilinx* to Intel® FPGA, one of the main differences to consider while creating systems is the standard bus interface:
  • Xilinx* uses AMBA* AXI as the standard bus interface for communication between IPs. Consequently, custom IPs that you build with Vivado* software use the AMBA* 4 AXI protocol.
  • Even though Intel® FPGA uses Avalon® as the standard bus interface, Platform Designer supports multiple AMBA* AXI interfaces. For details about interface support, refer to the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Handbook Volume 1 .

Alternatively, Platform Designer makes the migration easier by allowing conversion from Avalon® to AMBA* AXI interface via AMBA* AXI Agents and AMBA* AXI translators.

For more information about system design with Platform Designer and AMBA* AXI Protocol Support in Platform Designer, refer to the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Handbook Volume 1 .