AN 307: Intel® FPGA Design Flow for Xilinx* Users

ID 683562
Date 3/20/2018

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Document Table of Contents System Console

Xilinx* Vivado* software's Hardware Manager provides a TCL console to interact with the debug IP on the hardware. Similarly, in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software, you can perform the same tasks using the System Console.

Table 26.  System Console Features and Usage
Features Typical Usage
  • Provides real-time in-system debugging capabilities.
  • Allows you to read from and write to Memory Mapped components in a system without a processor or additional software
  • Communicates with hardware modules in a design through a Tcl interpreter.
  • Allows you to take advantage of all the features of the Tcl scripting language.
  • Supports JTAG and TCP/IP connectivity.

You need to perform system-level debugging.

For example, if you have an Avalon® -MM slave or Avalon® -ST interfaces, you can debug the design at a transaction level.