Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtr1422491930353
3.3.1. Project Creation
3.3.2. Design Entry
3.3.3. IP Status
3.3.4. Design Constraints
3.3.5. Synthesis
3.3.6. Design Implementation
3.3.7. Finalize Pinout
3.3.8. Viewing and Editing Design Placement
3.3.9. Static Timing Analysis
3.3.10. Generation of Device Programming Files
3.3.11. Power Analysis
3.3.12. Simulation
3.3.13. Hardware Verification
3.3.14. View Netlist
3.3.15. Design Optimization
3.3.16. Techniques to Improve Productivity
3.3.17. Cross-Probing in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software Memory Mode Clocking Mode Write and Read Operation Triggering Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address Error Correction Code (ECC) Byte Enable Address Clock Enable Parity Bit Support Memory Initialization Output Synchronous Set/Reset
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtr1422491930353
Ixiasoft place_design/route_design
Depending on the use mode, the Vivado* software provides different commands to place and route device resources into the FPGA device. In Project Mode, the launch_runs impl 1 executable performs place and route, and the equivalent Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition executable is quartus_fit. In Non-Project Mode, the Vivado* software provides the place_design and route_design executables. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software allows you perform place and route stages separately in the quartus_fit executable through arguments.
The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Fitter includes the following stages:
- Plan—places all periphery elements (such as I/Os and PLLs) and determines a legal clock plan, without core placement or routing.
- Early Place—places all core elements in an approximate location to facilitate design planning. Finalizes clock planning for Intel® Stratix® 10 designs.
- Place—places all core elements in a legal location.
- Route—creates all routing between the elements in the design.
- Retime 12 —performs register retiming and moves existing registers into Hyper-Registers to increase performance by removing retiming restrictions and eliminating critical paths.
- Finalize—for Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX devices, converts unnecessary tiles to High-Speed or Low-Power. For Intel® Stratix® 10 devices, performs post-route.
- Fast Forward12—generates detailed reports that estimate performance gains achievable by making specific RTL modifications.
You can run each Fitter stage standalone by providing the appropriate argument to the quartus_fit executable. For more information, run quartus_fit --help.
The following example performs place-and-route by fitting the logic of the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition filtref project:
quartus_fit filtref
For command line help, type quartus_fit --help at the command prompt.
12 Retime and Fast-Forward Compilation available only for Intel® Stratix® 10 devices.