AN 307: Intel® FPGA Design Flow for Xilinx* Users

ID 683562
Date 3/20/2018

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Document Table of Contents EMIF Debug Toolkit

In the Vivado* software, the Memory Calibration Debug tool allows you to debug calibration or data errors in UltraScale* memory interfaces. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, the External Memory Interface (EMIF) Debug Toolkit allows you to run custom traffic patterns, diagnose and debug calibration problems, and produce margining reports for the external memory interface.
Table 30.  EMIF Debug Toolkit Features and Usage
Features Typical Usage
  • Tcl-based graphical user interface.
  • Provides access to memory calibration data gathered by the Nios® II sequencer, via a JTAG connection.
  • Allows you to mask ranks for calibration and to request recalibration of the interface.
  • The Driver Margining feature of the toolkit allows you to measure margins on the memory interface using a driver with arbitrary traffic patterns.
  • The EMIF Toolkit can communicate with several different memory interfaces on the same device, but only one at a time.
You want to debug hardware failures by accessing information gathered during calibration.