Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtr1422491990782
3.3.1. Project Creation
3.3.2. Design Entry
3.3.3. IP Status
3.3.4. Design Constraints
3.3.5. Synthesis
3.3.6. Design Implementation
3.3.7. Finalize Pinout
3.3.8. Viewing and Editing Design Placement
3.3.9. Static Timing Analysis
3.3.10. Generation of Device Programming Files
3.3.11. Power Analysis
3.3.12. Simulation
3.3.13. Hardware Verification
3.3.14. View Netlist
3.3.15. Design Optimization
3.3.16. Techniques to Improve Productivity
3.3.17. Cross-Probing in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software Memory Mode Clocking Mode Write and Read Operation Triggering Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address Error Correction Code (ECC) Byte Enable Address Clock Enable Parity Bit Support Memory Initialization Output Synchronous Set/Reset
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtr1422491990782
Ixiasoft KEEP
Equivalent to the KEEP constraints, the Attribute Keep (VHDL) or Synthesis Keep (Verilog) synthesis attributes direct the Compiler to keep a wire or combinational node through logic synthesis minimizations and netlist optimizations. Similarly, you can also set the Implement as Output of Logic Cell logic option in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Assignment Editor.
The following example shows how both VHDL and Verilog HDL set the equivalent KEEP constraint (Differential SSTL-2 Class I) to the my_wire signal.
Verilog HDL example in the Vivado* software:
(* KEEP = "TRUE" *) wire my_wire
Equivalent Verilog HDL example in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software:
( *preserve*) wire my_wire;
VHDL example in the Vivado* software:
signal my_wire: bit;
attribute keep: string;
attribute keep of my_wire: signal is "TRUE";
Equivalent VHDL example in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software:
signal my_wire: bit;
attribute syn_keep: boolean;
attribute syn_keep of my_wire: signal is true;