Visible to Intel only — GUID: ydm1513193649612
3.3.1. Project Creation
3.3.2. Design Entry
3.3.3. IP Status
3.3.4. Design Constraints
3.3.5. Synthesis
3.3.6. Design Implementation
3.3.7. Finalize Pinout
3.3.8. Viewing and Editing Design Placement
3.3.9. Static Timing Analysis
3.3.10. Generation of Device Programming Files
3.3.11. Power Analysis
3.3.12. Simulation
3.3.13. Hardware Verification
3.3.14. View Netlist
3.3.15. Design Optimization
3.3.16. Techniques to Improve Productivity
3.3.17. Cross-Probing in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software Memory Mode Clocking Mode Write and Read Operation Triggering Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address Error Correction Code (ECC) Byte Enable Address Clock Enable Parity Bit Support Memory Initialization Output Synchronous Set/Reset
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ydm1513193649612
Ixiasoft Platform Designer Component Editor
In the Vivado* software, you can use the IP Packager to add custom IPs to the IP catalog. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, you create and package IP components with the Platform Designer Component Editor.
- To create a new component using the Component Editor, in the Platform Designer main window click File > New Component.
- When you define a component with the Component Editor, Platform Designer writes the information to an _hw.tcl file. This file contains the component's description, interfaces, and HDL files.
- If the component requires custom features that the Platform Designer Component Editor does not support, for example, an elaboration callback, you can use the Component Editor to create the _hw.tcl file, and then manually edit the file to complete the component definition.
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